Virtual Office Space and Business Address Solutions in Columbus, Ohio

virtual office space and business address solutions in columbus, ohio, empty room with chair v2

Wednesday 18 May 2022 News/Article Virtual Office Space and Business Address Solutions in Columbus, Ohio As an entrepreneur, embracing the versatility of a virtual office space in Columbus, Ohio, can revolutionize your business operations and present you with unfettered access to a prestigious business address. From the bustling districts of Riverside Drive to the vibrant […]

Welcome New Qwirk Tenant – Drew Farnsworth & Green Lane Design


Wednesday 18 May 2022 News/Article Welcome New Qwirk Tenant – Drew Farnsworth & Green Lane Design Qwirk is proud to welcome Drew Farnsworth as a new tenant. Drew is a data center infrastructure designer for Green Lane Design. ( Even though it’s a small, family owned company, GLD designs server rooms for mid size businesses […]

Qwirk Announces Tax Strategies for Business Owners Seminar


Friday 13 October 2017 News/Article Qwirk Announces Tax Strategies for Business Owners Seminar Please join us for an informative discussion on the topic of tax strategies for business owners. The focus of our presentation will be retirement plans including 401k, SEP, SIMPLE, and Cash Balance Plans. There will be a 45 minute presentation followed by […]

Introducing Qwirk member, Marlene Torres Attorney at Law

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Wednesday 2 January 2013 News/Article Introducing Qwirk member, Marlene Torres Attorney at Law Qwirk is proud to announce the legal services and practice of Marlene Torres Attorney at Law. Marlene Torres is an attorney and mediator with a professional background in the real estate (development and commercial lending), banking, tax, and human resources industries. She […]